About Own Property Abroad

Empowering individuals to enrich their lives and secure their futures.

At Own Property Abroad, we believe in more than just property ownership. We envision a world where every investment opens doors to new cultures, experiences, and opportunities. Whether you’re seeking a haven for cherished memories or a smart financial move, we guide you to destinations that offer both. Dive into diverse landscapes, connect with vibrant communities, and watch your wealth grow. Own a piece of the world, elevate your quality of life, and let every journey be a step towards a brighter, more prosperous tomorrow.

Who we are

We are a passionate group of individuals united by our love for real estate and our commitment to bridging cultures and communities. Our diverse backgrounds and experiences enrich our understanding of global property landscapes. At our core, we believe in empowering people to enhance their lives through informed property choices. With us, it’s not just about real estate; it’s about realizing dreams and building lasting connections.

What we offer

On our website, you can find valuable information on the legal aspects of purchasing property in various countries worldwide. We provide information on the necessary documentation, laws and regulations, and potential challenges that may arise during the process.

We do understand that cost is one of the main concerns for many when considering buying property abroad. That’s why we provide detailed information on the various costs involved in the process, including purchase price, closing costs, property taxes, and ongoing maintenance expenses.

In addition to providing information, our platform offers property listings so you can find valuable information and your dream house, all on the same platform. Whether it’s a house for personal enjoyment or as an income-generating asset, Own Property Abroad is your place to go.

Finally, we offer information on the various management options available to property owners, including the pros and cons of hiring a property management company or managing the property yourself.

We are dedicated to realizing your property ownership dreams with knowledge, expertise, and continuing support. Let’s invest in your dreams together.

picture of matt timmermans

Matt Timmermans

Meet Matt, a Dutch entrepreneur who has always been passionate about real estate and its impact on communities and economies. After moving to Indonesia, he saw a gap in the market for a platform that provides comprehensive and accessible information about the global real estate market.

So, he founded Own Property Abroad. Through this platform, Matt provides in-depth information and expert insights on the latest trends and developments in the global real estate market.

Matt is dedicated to empowering individuals and companies with the information and resources to make informed decisions about their real estate investments. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting, Own Property Abroad is the ultimate guide to the global real estate market.

You can reach Matt at matt@ownpropertyabroad.com

Kim Alex Nepomuceno

Meet Kim, our multi-skilled team member from the Philippines who excels in customer service and building connections. Kim plays a crucial role in helping clients through their foreign real estate journey.

Kim’s expertise extends to managing our social media presence, ensuring our online community stays engaged and informed. Her organizational skills are invaluable in keeping everything running smoothly and providing essential administrative support. Additionally, Kim contributes to our marketing efforts, helping us reach a wider audience and share our global real estate market insights.

With her dedication and multifaceted skills, Kim is an indispensable part of our team, helping us deliver comprehensive and accessible information to empower your real estate decisions.

You can reach Kim at kim@ownpropertyabroad.com

Kim Alex Nepomuceno
ninke van vliet

Ninke van Vliet

Meet Ninke, our marketeer from Groningen, the Netherlands, who has always been fascinated by traveling and discovering new cultures. She began her career at Own Property Abroad as an intern, where she utilized her research and marketing skills to gain insights into the global real estate market. After completing her internship, Ninke continued to work for Own Property Abroad, assisting others by providing valuable information about foreign real estate.

If you wish to get in touch with Ninke, you can reach her at ninke@ownpropertyabroad.com.

Therese Angeles

Meet Therese, an accountancy expert who has always been captivated by the property world. Growing up, she saw them not just as mere residences but as significant investments that hold immense potential. Her fascination isn’t limited to the numbers; it’s about the more profound value and importance of property ownership.

Throughout her academic journey, Therese has delved deep into understanding the financial and intrinsic value of properties. But her mission goes beyond personal knowledge. She’s on a quest to enlighten others, guiding them to see properties not just as places to live, but as assets that can shape their future.

With her analytical mindset from accountancy and a genuine passion for real estate, Therese is the perfect mentor for those looking to understand the true essence of property investments. Her insights and expertise ensure that individuals are well-equipped and inspired as they explore the world of property ownership.

therese angeles
Emmanuel Jason Casas

Emmanuel Jason Casas

Emmanuel is a writer pursuing a bachelor’s degree in real estate management in the Philippines. His passion is not just advancing his own knowledge but inspiring his readers to delve deeper into the field. He also has a profound commitment to environmental conservation, consistently championing the harmony of nature and real estate development.

At Own Property Abroad, Emmanuel takes on the role of an educator, providing his readers with relevant information that has a direct and positive impact on their lives. His writing is not just about informing, but about guiding his readers to make sound decisions, ensuring they feel supported in their real estate endeavors.

Monisa Simon Ruth

Meet Monisa, a Filipina writer passionate about exploring the intricacies of the global housing market. Growing up in the Philippines, she was fascinated by the diverse housing styles and designs in different country regions. This sparked her interest in the larger scale of the global housing market and its impact on communities and economies.

Her writing is informative and insightful, delving into the social, cultural, and economic factors that shape housing markets worldwide. Whether through in-depth reports, captivating narratives, or thought-provoking essays, Monisa offers a fresh perspective on the world of housing.

Monisa is dedicated to bringing her readers an up-close and personal look at the global housing market and the people who call it home.

photo of monisa ruth simon
melede ganoy

Melede Ganoy

Melede is a Filipina writer who writes with her audience in mind. She loves to incorporate her interests and experiences into her work and is interested in streamlining communication in creative ways.

Being a Philippine-based scribe who grew up in the field of writing, she focuses on making others see value in good decision-making practices in the real estate world by creating helpful and practical content.

Her passion for writing, appreciation of various cultures, and newfound interest in real estate make a good combination that advances Own Property Abroad’s value proposition.

Lena van Vonno

Meet Lena, our Dutch Intern from Amsterdam but now based in Utrecht for her study Creative Business. She has a passion for exploring the world and gaining experiences and knowledge. Her love for travel shines through in her work, bringing a fresh perspective and a deep understanding of diverse cultures.

At Own Property Abroad, she focuses on developing a dynamic brand strategy that aligns with the company’s vision and goals to significantly impact our approach to reaching our audience and communicating our unique value proposition.

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Sa'diyatul Ikrimah

Sa'Diyatul Ikrimah

Meet Sa’diyatul, a nature enthusiast who grew up immersed in Indonesia’s natural world’s beauty. Her fascination has always been directed towards diverse housing styles, especially those that prioritize eco-friendly designs and the embrace of natural light. Sa’diyatul’s passion for such designs has naturally led her to a deep interest in global real estate.

In her journey, Sa’diyatul has admired and studied various architectural marvels harmonizing with nature. Her dedication doesn’t end at mere admiration; she’s actively guiding readers toward discovering their dream properties worldwide.

With her innate love for nature and a keen eye for design, Sa’diyatul is the ideal guide for those looking to find homes that resonate with nature’s charm. Her insights and expertise ensure readers are well-informed and inspired as they embark on global real estate adventures.