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What is the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) in the Philippines?

Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board in the Philippines
Table of Contents

The Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) in the Philippines is an important entity within the real estate sector, playing a significant role in shaping the housing and land development landscape. This article aims to delve into the essence of HLURB by outlining its functions and highlighting its importance to both property buyers and sellers, particularly in relation to foreign investments.

What is the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) in the Philippines?

The Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board is a government agency in the Philippines that has been entrusted with overseeing the nation’s housing, land use, and real estate development. Established under the presidency of Ferdinand Marcos Sr., HLURB has evolved over time, making significant contributions under various administrations. President Rodrigo Duterte’s tenure saw an integral implementation of a comprehensive 10-year national housing strategy.

The main focus of the HLURB is to provide technical assistance on housing regulations, property development, homeowners associations, as well as resolving land disputes.

Functions of HLURB

The Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) performs crucial functions to maintain a healthy and regulated real estate environment. These functions include:

  1. Regulatory oversight: The HLURB ensures that housing and land use regulations are followed, protecting homeowners and property investors in the Philippines.
  2. Technical assistance: The board offers guidance to local government units in the preparation and approval of comprehensive land use plans (CLUPs), ensuring proper urban planning.
  3. Dispute resolution: With its expertise in land and property development, the HLURB plays a key role in resolving conflicts that arise within this sector.
  4. Consumer protection: The HLURB enforces standards in real estate transactions and developments, safeguarding the interests of consumers.

By fulfilling these functions, the HLURB contributes to a well-regulated real estate industry while promoting the rights and welfare of all stakeholders involved.

When do property buyers or sellers need HLURB?

HLURB’s involvement is essential at various stages of property buying or selling in the Philippines, mainly to ensure legal compliance and protect rights. Buyers seek HLURB’s guidance to verify developers’ compliance, check for proper registration and licenses, and ascertain the legitimacy of real estate agents in the Philippines. Conversely, sellers require HLURB’s assistance in navigating the regulatory landscape, ensuring that their projects meet legal standards and regulations.

How does HLURB protect property buyers in the Philippines?

The Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board provides a framework for safeguarding property buyers by:

  1. Verifying legal compliance: The HLURB ensures that projects have the necessary registrations and licenses.
  2. Protecting rights: The board upholds the buyer’s entitlements, such as non-forfeiture of payments and obtaining a clean title.
  3. Facilitating information accessibility: HLURB provides a platform for buyers to verify the authenticity of projects and agents.

How does HLURB protect property sellers in the Philippines?

The Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board safeguards property sellers in the Philippines through:

  1. Assisting with regulatory compliance: HLURB offers guidance on adhering to housing and land use regulations in the Philippines.
  2. Preventing disputes: By establishing clear standards, HLURB helps minimize conflicts with buyers.
  3. Promoting market integrity: The HLURB maintains a regulated environment that contributes to the overall health and integrity of the Philippine real estate market.

Buy and sell property in the Philippines with Own Property Abroad

Do you want to buy or sell property in the Philippines? Own Property Abroad can assist you and ensure a seamless and hassle-free property journey. Thanks to our knowledge and experience in the local market, we can help with legal requirements, finding suitable properties or buyers, negotiating the best deals, conducting due diligence, and more property-related matters.

With our expert team, you won’t have to navigate the complexities of the Filipino market alone. For further information on how we can assist you, kindly drop your details below or email us at Let’s start working on your property success story today!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the function of HLURB in the Philippines?

The HLURB (Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board) in the Philippines is responsible for regulating the country’s housing and land use development. It ensures the implementation of land use plans, approval of subdivision and condominium projects, and resolution of related disputes.

What is the new name of HLURB in the Philippines?

The new name of HLURB in the Philippines is HUDCC (Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council), which was changed by Republic Act No. 11201.

How to contact the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board in the Philippines?

To contact the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) in the Philippines, you can visit their website at or call their hotline at (02) 8424-40-70 (landline) or 0961-137-0196.

What are the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board’s rules of procedure?

The Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board follows the rules and procedures outlined in its Administrative Order No. 1 Series of 2020. These rules govern various aspects, such as project approvals, licensing, mediation processes, adjudication of cases, and enforcement actions to ensure compliance with regulations.

Your guide to buying property in the Philippines
Written by Matt Timmermans

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