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Understanding the Condominium Act of the Philippines (Republic Act No. 4726)

what is the condominium act of the philippines
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The Condominium Act of the Philippines, officially referred to as Republic Act No. 4726, serves as a legal framework that sets forth the rules and regulations governing condominium ownership and operations in the Philippines. For foreigners interested in purchasing, selling, or renting a condominium unit in the Philippines, it is crucial to familiarize themselves with the laws and regulations about such properties. This article aims to provide an overview of the Condominium Act of the Philippines and outline the key points that foreigners should be aware of.

What is the Condominium Act of the Philippines

The Condominium Act of the Philippines, also known as Republic Act No. 4726, establishes a comprehensive legal framework for developing, owning, and managing condominiums. It defines condominiums as collections of individually owned units and common areas. This Philippine law outlines procedures for creating, registering, and overseeing condominium projects while delineating the rights and responsibilities of both unit owners and management bodies. It also emphasizes adherence to building rules and regulations in the Philippines alongside maintenance obligations concerning common areas.

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A summary of the Condominium Act of the Philippines for foreigners

The Condominium Act of the Philippines includes various rules and regulations that foreigners should consider when considering purchasing a condo in the Philippines. The following are some of the most common condominium laws in the Philippines:

  1. Foreign ownership limit: While foreigners can buy and own condo units in the Philippines, foreign ownership within a particular condominium building must not surpass 40%. As long as this threshold has not been reached, foreigners may freely purchase freehold condominium units.
  2. Rights and responsibilities: Foreign owners enjoy similar rights as Filipino owners regarding their condo units’ utilization, modification, and saleability, as well as participation in condominium management affairs.
  3. Ownership transfer: The law mandates that any transfer or sale involving a condo unit in the Philippines must comply with foreign ownership restrictions established by law. Moreover, such transfers may need approval from the corresponding condominium corporation while adhering to the provisions laid out in the master deed.
  4. Management and maintenance: Foreign owners are subject to the rules and decisions made by the condominium corporation, which assumes responsibility for managing and maintaining common areas while safeguarding the overall welfare of the building.
  5. Rental or lease: Condominium unit owners, including foreigners, have the option to rent or lease their units, provided they adhere to both the condominium’s regulations and Philippine laws. This presents an opportunity to generate income by investing in a condominium in the Philippines.
  6. Compliance with rules: Foreign owners must comply with all building regulations, fulfill any necessary association dues payment obligations, and adhere to all legal requirements stipulated by the R.A. 4726 Condominium Act of the Philippines.

How can foreigners buy a condominium in the Philippines?

As per the Condominium Act of the Philippines, foreigners can acquire a condominium unit. To buy a condo in the Philippines, foreigners must follow these steps:

  1. Verify the foreign ownership quota: It is crucial to ensure that the foreign ownership limit within the condominium complex does not exceed 40%, as stipulated by the Condominium Act.
  2. Choose a condominium: Seek assistance from a real estate agent or conduct online research to find a condominium that suits your preferences and budget.
  3. Perform due diligence: Perform a comprehensive evaluation of the property, including verifying the developer’s reputation and examining the condominium certificate of title, master deed, and purchase agreement. Both property and contract due diligence are equally important.
  4. Secure financing: If necessary, secure financing for the purchase. Foreigners typically need to rely on their own means for financing since obtaining local financing options such as housing loans can be challenging. This entails ensuring that funds are available in a Philippine bank account.
  5. Signing the reservation agreement: Initiate legal formalities by signing the reservation agreement.
  6. Pay the down payment: Pay the required down payment for your chosen condominium unit, which typically ranges between 20-30%.
  7. Fulfill other contract obligations: Complete all remaining contractual obligations to finalize the purchase process and officially become the owner of your new condo unit in the Philippines.

Selling a condominium in the Philippines as a foreigner

Foreigners can sell their condominium units in the Philippines under the Condominium Act.

  1. Compliance with ownership transfer regulations: Adhere to regulations outlined in the master deed and obtain approval from the condominium corporation if necessary. Also, comply with the rules stipulated in the Condominium Act of the Philippines.
  2. Market the property: You have options to either sell it independently or engage a real estate agent for assistance. Although hiring an agent incurs fees, they can potentially help you secure a higher selling price for your condo unit.
  3. Negotiate the sale: Engage with potential buyers to negotiate an agreeable price. Real estate agents can provide assistance in securing the best deal for you.
  4. Legal documentation and transfer: Finalize all necessary legal documents for the sale and transfer of condominium ownership.
  5. Payment and taxes: Ensure receipt of payment and settle any applicable property taxes and fees. It is advisable to work with a legal agent who can assist with tax reporting and filing in the Philippines.

Get help with buying or selling a condominium in the Philippines

Navigating the Condominium Act of the Philippines and the process of buying or selling a condominium in the Philippines can be challenging, especially for those unfamiliar with local real estate laws. Our team is dedicated to assisting in every step of this journey. We offer specialized services in buying and selling condominiums in the Philippines, ensuring your transactions are smooth and legally sound. From understanding property laws to handling paperwork and negotiations, our experts have the experience and knowledge to support your needs.

To learn how we can help you buy or sell a condominium in the Philippines, please provide your information below or reach out to us at

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does perpetual ownership mean?

Perpetual ownership means having indefinite ownership rights over a property. Unlike leasehold, where ownership rights are for a fixed period, perpetual ownership grants the owner the right to own the property forever without needing renewal or reacquisition.

What is a condominium?

A condominium is a residential complex where individual units are owned separately, while all unit owners jointly own common areas like hallways, pools, and recreation rooms. Condominiums offer a unique blend of private and communal living. The Condominium Act of the Philippines governs the rules and regulations regarding condominiums in the country,

How to find condo units for sale in the Philippines?

To find condominiums for sale in the Philippines, explore online real estate portals, work with local real estate agents, or check listings in property-focused publications. Attending real estate fairs and exploring developments in desired locations in the Philippines are also effective strategies.

What are the rights of condominium unit owners in the Philippines?

Condominium unit owners in the Philippines have rights such as occupying and modifying their units, participating in condominium corporation meetings and decisions, using common facilities, and being involved in the management of shared areas, according to the Condominium Act of the Philippines.

Do foreigners have the same condominium rights as Filipinos?

Foreigners have the same rights as Filipino citizens in owning condominium units, subject to the condition that foreign ownership in a condominium project does not exceed 40%. This includes rights to ownership, use of facilities, and participation in condominium management, as stipulated in the Condominium Act of the Philippines.

Your guide to buying property in the Philippines
Written by Matt Timmermans

2 Responses

  1. I ravindra from india, interest to buy property in Phillipines Batangas. An I eligible for it ?

    1. As a foreigner, you can buy property in the Philippines under certain conditions. You can own condominium units, but not land. For land, you can lease it long-term or consider setting up a corporation with Filipino partners to purchase the property.

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