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Contract review in the Philippines

services for contract review in the philippines
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Have you ever signed a contract without fully understanding the content? Many find contract-making complex due to its legal jargon, often resulting in blind trust in lawyers or signing without reading. This approach can lead to unnecessary risks, especially for foreigners unfamiliar with Philippine law. That’s why it’s essential to have your contract and agreements reviewed by a legal agent on your side. Contract review in the Philippines can prevent future problems and save you time and energy.

What is a contract review?

A contract review in the Philippines involves examining a legal agreement to ensure clarity, fairness, and compliance. In the Philippines, a contract is a mutual agreement between two parties, legally binding them to fulfill specific obligations. As per Article 1305 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, a contract requires a “meeting of minds” where parties agree to give something or render a service.

It’s essential to have an agreement check in the Philippines performed by a legal expert on your side. Having an agreement checked by a legal expert, a process that is known as contract due diligence, is a way to ensure your interests are protected.

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Ensure your agreements are legally sound and secure. Leave your name and email below, and our experienced legal team will provide a thorough review of your contracts.

Do I need a contract review in the Philippines?

Foreigners should have a contract reviewed in the Philippines before they sign anything, whether it’s a business agreement, real estate sales agreement, or personal agreement. You need a written contract to provide a reliable reference in case of disputes. Contract due diligence in the Philippines helps to identify potential issues and ensures that your interests are protected. It’s not just about legality but also about understanding the implications of each clause.

Things to look out for during contract due diligence

When it comes to agreement due diligence in the Philippines, there are a few things to look out for, including:

  1. Basic elements: Ensure the contract has consent from all parties, a clear object, and a lawful cause.
  2. Focus on your interests: Understand your rights and obligations. Consider various scenarios and how the contract addresses them.
  3. Think outside the box: Cover as many potential issues as possible.
  4. Clear communication: Ensure terms are clear and reflect your intentions. Avoid ambiguous language.
  5. Defining terms: Specify meanings to prevent misunderstandings.
  6. Contingencies and dispute resolution: Include provisions for unexpected situations and minor disputes to avoid legal battles.

Looking for these points when performing an agreement check yourself can be challenging. That’s why using a legal professional’s contract review services in the Philippines is recommended.

Need expert contract review in the Philippines?

Contract review in the Philippines can be complex, especially for those unfamiliar with the legal system in the Philippines. From analyzing the legal framework to ensuring the contract aligns with your objectives, our professionals are adept at handling all aspects of contract due diligence in the Philippines. We’ve got you covered, whether for business agreements, real estate transactions, or personal contracts.

To learn how our legal experts can assist you with contract reviews in the Philippines, please enter your information below or contact us directly at

Get professional legal contract review
Ensure your agreements are legally sound and secure. Leave your name and email below, and our experienced legal team will provide a thorough review of your contracts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does a contract review process look like?

A contract review process in the Philippines involves a legal professional’s detailed examination of the agreement. It starts with understanding the parties’ intentions and scrutinizes each clause for clarity, legality, and fairness. The reviewer checks for compliance with relevant laws, assesses risks, suggests amendments, and ensures that the contract aligns with the client’s interests.

How long does a contract review in the Philippines take?

The time taken for a contract review in the Philippines varies based on the contract’s complexity and length. Simple contracts may take a few days, while more complex agreements could require weeks. The specific timeframe depends on the agreement’s intricacies and the parties’ responsiveness.

How much does an agreement review cost in the Philippines?

The cost of an agreement review in the Philippines usually ranges between ₱ 2,000 ($34) and ₱ 20,000 ($340). However, the actual cost depends on the contract’s complexity, the lawyer’s expertise, and the time required for the review.

What is contract due diligence in the Philippines?

Contract due diligence in the Philippines involves a comprehensive review and analysis of legal agreements to identify potential risks and liabilities. It includes verifying the accuracy of information, ensuring compliance with Philippine laws, and assessing all parties’ contractual obligations and rights. This process is crucial for informed decision-making in business transactions.

Your guide to buying property in the Philippines
Written by Matt Timmermans

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Get professional legal contract review
Ensure your agreements are legally sound and secure. Leave your name and email below, and our experienced legal team will provide a thorough review of your contracts.